Zamecky Pivovar Frydlant


Frydlant Castle Brewery is in the Bohemian town of the same name which sits almost on the border adjoining Germany and Poland. Beer has been brewed here for hundreds of years up until the last closure in the mid 1900s. The current brewery re-opened it's doors in 2014 since when, in addition to traditional Czech styles, they've brewed a wide range of beers drawing inspiration from across the world of craft beer.

Albrecht von Wallenstein famous as a commander during the Thirty Years War is closely associated with Frydlant and this part of Bohemia and it's in his honour that most of their beers carry the name 'Albrecht'.

Producer Website

The beers:

Guides (165)


The dependables


Christmas dozen - create your own




Cabernet sauvignon